Search Reports
Faculty Search Report 1
Faculty Search Report I
2022-2023 Revision
This report must be submitted to and approved by the Dean of the College and the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion/Diversity Officer before a search for filling a tenure-track or a three-year position can officially begin. The job ad may be submitted and approved before SRI, but no candidate files can be evaluated until this form is submitted and approved. All candidates should submit dossiers through Academic Jobs Online.
This report asks for the following 8 items:
- Ground rules
- Search timetable
- Text of job advertisement
- Constitution of the search committee
- Outreach and advertising plan
- Description of the screening process
- Format for campus visits
- Space needs
Please fill out this form and email it, from the department chair’s email account, to the Diversity Officer at and to as an attachment.
Please click here to download the Search Report 1 Word document.
Faculty Search Report 2
Faculty Search Report II
2022-2023 Revision
This report is to be submitted to the Dean of the College and the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion/Diversity Officer at the conclusion of the screening process prior to inviting candidates for on-campus visits. The Dean and the Diversity Officer should be given access to all files via Academic Jobs Online at this point. The office will need four to five business days to review the report and the dossiers. The department representative(s) will meet with the Dean and the Diversity Officer to discuss the long list if needed.
At the time that Faculty Search Report II is submitted, the chair or academic coordinator should also schedule meetings for each of the Top 3 candidates (even though their names will not yet be known) with the Diversity Officer, the Dean, and the President, given that all their schedules tend to be impacted far in advance. Should Zoom links be required, the academic coordinator should schedule these and share these with the coordinators for the President, the Dean, and Diversity Officer.
The short list of the top 3 candidates should be sent via e-mail to the Dean and Diversity Officer, who must approve it in writing before candidates can be invited for campus interviews.
Please fill out this form and email it, from the department chair’s email account, to the Diversity Officer at and to as an attachment.
Please click here to download the Search Report 2 Word document.
Faculty Search Report 3
Faculty Search Report III
2022-2023 Revision
This report must be submitted to and approved by the Dean of the College and the Diversity Officer before any offers can be made and as soon as possible after the conclusion of on-campus/Zoom interviews and adequate discussion among participants in the search process.
It is anticipated that the department will gather all relevant feedback from students, faculty and both the Dean of the College and the President before ranking the candidates. We recommend using the “Candidate Evaluation Template” found on the Dean of the College website under “Faculty Search and Hire Resources” for an in-depth assessment of your top candidates.
After the approval of this report and if an offer is authorized, the Dean, in consultation with the department chair, will make an offer to the successful candidate, and negotiate the terms of the appointment.
This report asks for a two-part recommendation, (i) indicating which of the candidates who have visited campus are acceptable and (ii) how the department ranks the acceptable candidates.
Please fill out this form and email it as an attachment, from the department chair’s email account, to:
The Dean:
Executive Assistant to the Dean:
The Diversity Officer:
Contracts and Hiring Specialist:
Please click here to download the Search Report 3 Word document.
Search Budget Worksheets I & II
Search Budget Worksheets [xlsx]
(please note that there are two worksheets/tabs within this document)