Our Programs / Volunteer Opportunities

Draper Center Mission Statement

The mission of the Draper Center for Community Partnerships is to foster mutually beneficial exchanges among community members, students, faculty, and staff in order to support educational outreach initiatives, community-based research and learning, and other community engagement activities.


Draper Center '24 - '25 Staff Spirit Statement

At the Draper Center, we aim to cultivate intentional, mutually beneficial, sustainable relationships, and provide community-centered services that empower our surrounding neighbors. We strive to uplift every voice and expand access to opportunities, with compassion, gratitude and love.


The Draper Center hopes to deepen existing partnerships and cultivate new ones in the communities surrounding Pomona College. If you or your organization would like to partner with the Draper Center, and seek any of the following:

  • Program collaboration
  • Support for community initiated projects
  • General information

Please email the Draper Center at drapercenter@hitchedhike.com or call the office (909) 607-1810 for more information.